VOX Distribution Position
Welcome to the Distribution Team at VOX Magaine!
VOX is a quarterly business magazine which is hand-delivered to business parks and industrial estates in Chester and Wrexham.
Each quarter the you will need to pick up the magazines from a property in Gresford and distribute them to all the businesses on your route within 7 days please.
Your distribution will be tracked by our free app called Round Control. You will need to download this app before you start - instructions will be emailed to you. (Please indicate on the form below what type of mobile phone you have - Android or iPhone).
A map will be provided showing your exact route. Please complete the round fully - deliver to all the businesses on both sides of the road unless otherwise stated on the map.
Deliver 3 magazines to each business unless otherwise stated.
You will be paid each quarter by BACS after you have delivered the magazines. Please complete the form below and provide your bank details.
If you have any magazines left over at the end of your round please do not dispose of them in a public bin. Take them home with you and let me know so I can collect them.
If someone is helping you to deliver it’s important you tell us so we can track their delivery too.
If you can’t do your round for any reason, please let me know with as much notice as possible.
Do not pass your round to someone else without letting me know first.We’re really pleased to have you on the team!
Vicky and Clara
Safety and information
Complete the round fully - deliver to all roads on your list/on your map supplied.
Be polite and courteous at all times when representing VOX Magazine.
Be respectful of all properties you visit.
Ensure magazines are pushed completely though the letterbox fully and not left hanging out of the letterbox.
Do not leave magazines on the doorstep, gate or pathway.
If there is no letterbox, or it is not accessible do not leave any magazines.
If someone refuses the magazine, or does not want them for whatever reason please do not give them one.
Do not take any pets with you on your round.
If you are unable to deliver for any reason please let us know immediately.
If it is raining, it will slow you down, the magazines will get wet and so will you!
If you encounter any verbal abuse, or feel unsafe when making deliveries, leave the area immediately and return to a safe location (e.g. home, shop). Report any abuse to us and/or police if appropriate.
If you cannot find the letterbox do or gain entry to a business do not go around the back of the property (just make a note that you had problems at that location).
Do not accept any offers of help from anyone, especially from people you do not know. Never get into a car with anyone (even if they are offering to help).
As you are delivering to business parks - only deliver during weekday working hours, between the hours of 8am and 5pm.
If dusk is approaching ensure you have appropriate light reflective clothing.
All businesses should be accessible from the roadside. Do not take short cuts through isolated or unknown areas.
Please wear sensible footwear.
Take extra care when crossing roads and ensure that you cross only in safe places.
Do not wear headphones when delivering as this makes it difficult to hear cars when crossing roads.
Never carry more magazines than you feel comfortable with.
Never run when making deliveries.
Watch out for loose paving stones, potholes etc.
Always hold any handrails when climbing steps.
Take extra care in wet or icy conditions.
To get set up, please complete this form
You are a much-valued member of the VOX Magazine team and we look forward to working with you. Please feel free to contact me to discuss anything with regards to your delivery round.
Vicky Heathfield
T. 01978 855459 / 07740 945795